Shipping Policy

Purchases are shipped from our own warehouse or offices in Vijayawada, Andhraprades and Hyderabad, Telangana. Our endeavor is to make the products reach you within 7 days from receipt of order and payment. Order deliveries will be made through Indian Post(Speed/Registered Post, Registered Parcel),DTDC/Professional Courier, Navata and VRL Transports. From Monday –Saturday except unavoidable situations. Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. We take no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person other than the person ordering the product at the address indicated at the time of the order, .Since the transactions are authorized by the recipient  card holder, we do not take responsibility for incorrect  addresses provided at the time of placing the order. The delivery will NOT be redirected / redelivered to any other address in any circumstance. The selected product will be sent through the agreed  transportation by the buyer. Ramesh Foods shall not be held responsible for damage of products after delivery.

In case of floods/ Heavy Rains/ Bandh we reserve the right to reschedule the delivery for another date.

In case the product is not delivered due to any of the above reasons, we will inform you about the same.
All claims for shortages or damages must be reported at the time of delivery. Once you accept the products/order, afterwards no claim will be entertained by the company.

Return Policy

Once products are delivered to you and accepted as accurate and as per the original order, there is no refund or exchange possible. Please note that in any case we cannot offer exchanges or refunds on any sale.